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Name | Wass |
Detail | WASS (Well-Founded Altruistic and Saviours Society) is a Social Welfare Organization based in Musakhel. Musakhel is one of the remotest and a mountainous region in the extreme north east of the Balochistan province. It is socially and economically a backward area for several reasons. National, International and Local NGOs are reluctant to invest in the area therefore their presence in the development projects of the district is rarely felt for the reasons best known to them. WASS strives, struggles and stands for Welfare and human development of the citizens. It took several years of hard work, devotion and dedication to build upon an Organized and Committed organization like WASS. WASS endeavors for bringing development, education and progress to the neglected district of Musakhel and eliminating poverty that is pervasive in the area since a long time. While providing better platform for utilization of their potential, WASS motivates the youth of the area to play their part and take creative initiatives for peace building initiatives and the progress of their people at the local as well as at the national level. WASS believes in and aspires for remarkable participation of the women in public life. The organization deals with the whole range of socially held beliefs which are considered to be hurdles in the pathway of progress and tries to positively channel the potential of the people towards their larger benefit and prosperity. |
Type | Organisations |
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