Social Poetry of Ashfaq Nasir

Social Poetry of Ashfaq Nasir
नामअशफ़ाक़ नासिर
अंग्रेज़ी नामAshfaq Nasir

पीला था चाँद और शजर बे-लिबास थे

अशफ़ाक़ नासिर Social Poetry in Hindi - Read famous Social Shayari, Romantic Ghazals & Sad Poetry written by अशफ़ाक़ नासिर . Largest collection of Social Poems, Sad Ghazals including Two Line Sher and SMS by अशफ़ाक़ नासिर . Share the अशफ़ाक़ नासिर Social Potery, Romantic Hindi Ghazals and Sufi Shayari with your friends on whats app, facebook and twitter.