Today Aymagambetov Prayer Time - Prayer Schedule Timing for Aymagambetov
Today Aymagambetov prayer time for December 04, 2024 is available at Darsaal. Prayer time for Aymagambetov for Fajar prayer is 07:40 am, Dhuhur prayer is 01:45 pm, Asar prayer is 03:30 pm, Maghrib prayer is 05:52 pm, and Isha prayer is 07:43 pm. All Aymagambetov prayer times are the beginning prayer times and are available according to Kazakhstan Standard Time.* All Timings are Beginning Times
Fajr | 07:40 am |
Sunrise | 09:37 am |
Dhuhur | 01:45 pm |
Asar | 03:30 pm |
Maghrib | 05:52 pm |
Isha | 07:43 pm |
Latitude / Longitude:
51.4431 / 61.3386
Next 7 Days Aymagambetov Prayer Time
You can see the prayer timing of Aymagambetov for the next seven days in the table below. The following table shows Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuhur, Asar, Maghrib, and Isha beginning times for Aymagambetov for the next 7 days.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Zuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
December 03 | 07:38 am | 09:36 am | 01:44 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:53 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 04 | 07:40 am | 09:37 am | 01:45 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 05 | 07:41 am | 09:38 am | 01:45 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 06 | 07:42 am | 09:39 am | 01:46 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 07 | 07:43 am | 09:41 am | 01:46 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 08 | 07:44 am | 09:42 am | 01:46 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 09 | 07:45 am | 09:43 am | 01:47 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
Monthly Aymagambetov Prayer Time
You can see the prayer timing of Aymagambetov for the next 30 days in the table below. The following table shows Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuhur, Asar, Maghrib, and Isha beginning times for Aymagambetov for the next 30 days.
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Zuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
December 03 | 07:38 am | 09:36 am | 01:44 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:53 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 04 | 07:40 am | 09:37 am | 01:45 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 05 | 07:41 am | 09:38 am | 01:45 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 06 | 07:42 am | 09:39 am | 01:46 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 07 | 07:43 am | 09:41 am | 01:46 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 08 | 07:44 am | 09:42 am | 01:46 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 09 | 07:45 am | 09:43 am | 01:47 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 10 | 07:45 am | 09:44 am | 01:47 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 11 | 07:46 am | 09:45 am | 01:48 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:50 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 12 | 07:47 am | 09:46 am | 01:48 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:50 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 13 | 07:48 am | 09:47 am | 01:49 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:50 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 14 | 07:49 am | 09:48 am | 01:49 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:50 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 15 | 07:50 am | 09:49 am | 01:50 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 16 | 07:50 am | 09:50 am | 01:50 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 17 | 07:51 am | 09:50 am | 01:51 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 18 | 07:52 am | 09:51 am | 01:51 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 19 | 07:52 am | 09:52 am | 01:52 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 20 | 07:53 am | 09:52 am | 01:52 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:45 pm |
December 21 | 07:53 am | 09:53 am | 01:53 pm | 03:32 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:45 pm |
December 22 | 07:54 am | 09:53 am | 01:53 pm | 03:32 pm | 05:53 pm | 07:46 pm |
December 23 | 07:54 am | 09:54 am | 01:54 pm | 03:33 pm | 05:53 pm | 07:46 pm |
December 24 | 07:55 am | 09:54 am | 01:54 pm | 03:33 pm | 05:54 pm | 07:47 pm |
December 25 | 07:55 am | 09:55 am | 01:55 pm | 03:34 pm | 05:55 pm | 07:47 pm |
December 26 | 07:55 am | 09:55 am | 01:55 pm | 03:35 pm | 05:55 pm | 07:48 pm |
December 27 | 07:56 am | 09:55 am | 01:56 pm | 03:35 pm | 05:56 pm | 07:49 pm |
December 28 | 07:56 am | 09:55 am | 01:56 pm | 03:36 pm | 05:57 pm | 07:49 pm |
December 29 | 07:56 am | 09:55 am | 01:57 pm | 03:37 pm | 05:58 pm | 07:50 pm |
December 30 | 07:56 am | 09:55 am | 01:57 pm | 03:38 pm | 05:59 pm | 07:51 pm |
December 31 | 07:57 am | 09:55 am | 01:57 pm | 03:39 pm | 06:00 pm | 07:52 pm |
January 01 | 07:57 am | 09:55 am | 01:58 pm | 03:40 pm | 06:01 pm | 07:53 pm |
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Zuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
December 01 | 07:36 am | 09:33 am | 01:44 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:54 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 02 | 07:37 am | 09:34 am | 01:44 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:54 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 03 | 07:38 am | 09:36 am | 01:44 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:53 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 04 | 07:40 am | 09:37 am | 01:45 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 05 | 07:41 am | 09:38 am | 01:45 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 06 | 07:42 am | 09:39 am | 01:46 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 07 | 07:43 am | 09:41 am | 01:46 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 08 | 07:44 am | 09:42 am | 01:46 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 09 | 07:45 am | 09:43 am | 01:47 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 10 | 07:45 am | 09:44 am | 01:47 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 11 | 07:46 am | 09:45 am | 01:48 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:50 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 12 | 07:47 am | 09:46 am | 01:48 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:50 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 13 | 07:48 am | 09:47 am | 01:49 pm | 03:29 pm | 05:50 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 14 | 07:49 am | 09:48 am | 01:49 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:50 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 15 | 07:50 am | 09:49 am | 01:50 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 16 | 07:50 am | 09:50 am | 01:50 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:43 pm |
December 17 | 07:51 am | 09:50 am | 01:51 pm | 03:30 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 18 | 07:52 am | 09:51 am | 01:51 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 19 | 07:52 am | 09:52 am | 01:52 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:51 pm | 07:44 pm |
December 20 | 07:53 am | 09:52 am | 01:52 pm | 03:31 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:45 pm |
December 21 | 07:53 am | 09:53 am | 01:53 pm | 03:32 pm | 05:52 pm | 07:45 pm |
December 22 | 07:54 am | 09:53 am | 01:53 pm | 03:32 pm | 05:53 pm | 07:46 pm |
December 23 | 07:54 am | 09:54 am | 01:54 pm | 03:33 pm | 05:53 pm | 07:46 pm |
December 24 | 07:55 am | 09:54 am | 01:54 pm | 03:33 pm | 05:54 pm | 07:47 pm |
December 25 | 07:55 am | 09:55 am | 01:55 pm | 03:34 pm | 05:55 pm | 07:47 pm |
December 26 | 07:55 am | 09:55 am | 01:55 pm | 03:35 pm | 05:55 pm | 07:48 pm |
December 27 | 07:56 am | 09:55 am | 01:56 pm | 03:35 pm | 05:56 pm | 07:49 pm |
December 28 | 07:56 am | 09:55 am | 01:56 pm | 03:36 pm | 05:57 pm | 07:49 pm |
December 29 | 07:56 am | 09:55 am | 01:57 pm | 03:37 pm | 05:58 pm | 07:50 pm |
December 30 | 07:56 am | 09:55 am | 01:57 pm | 03:38 pm | 05:59 pm | 07:51 pm |
December 31 | 07:57 am | 09:55 am | 01:57 pm | 03:39 pm | 06:00 pm | 07:52 pm |
Kazakhstan Prayer Timings (Top Cities)
At Darsaal, you can know the accurate today prayer time for Aymagambetov. You can know the beginning and ending Aymagambetov prayer times of Tahajjud, Fajar, Dhuhur, Asar, Maghrib, Isha, Zawal Time, and Sunrise Time. All the Aymagambetov Namaz Ke Auqaat are available according to Fiqa-e-Hanfia and Fiqa-e-Jafria. You can follow this Aymagambetov Salat timing schedule to offer prayers on time.
Along with the Today's Aymagambetov prayer timing, you can also see the upcoming prayer schedule for Aymagambetov on this page.
Aymagambetov Prayer Timings Today
Prayer Time in Aymagambetov for Wednesday December 04, 2024 are:
- Fajr Time in Aymagambetov : 07:40 am
- Sunrise Start Time in Aymagambetov : 09:37 am
- Sunrise End Time in Aymagambetov : 09:52 am
- Ishraq Time in Aymagambetov : Between 09:57 am To 12:37 pm
- Zawal Time in Aymagambetov : Between 01:15 pm To 01:45 pm
- Zuhr Time in Aymagambetov : 01:45 pm
- Asr Time in Aymagambetov : 03:30 pm
- Maghrib Time in Aymagambetov : 05:52 pm
- Isha Time in Aymagambetov : 07:43 pm
- Tahajjud Time in Aymagambetov : Between 08:13 pm To 07:10 am
What is Fajr time in Aymagambetov?
Fajr Time in Aymagambetov is 07:40 am. Fajr consists of 4 Rakats including 2 Farz and 2 Sunnah.
What is Ishraq time in Aymagambetov?
Ishraq Time in Aymagambetov start at 09:57 am and ends at 12:37 pm. Ishraq consists of 2 Rakats that is offered after the sun has risen and become high.
What is Zuhr Time in Aymagambetov?
Zuhr Time in Aymagambetov is 01:45 pm. Zuhr consists of 12 Rakats including 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah and 2 Nafal.
What is Asr Time in Aymagambetov?
Asr Time in Aymagambetov is 03:30 pm. Asr consists of 8 Rakats including 4 Sunnah and 4 Farz.
What is Maghrib Time in Aymagambetov?
Maghrib Time in Aymagambetov is 05:52 pm. Maghrib consists of 7 Rakats including 3 Farz, 2 Sunnah and 2 Nafal.
What is Isha Time in Aymagambetov?
Isha Time in Aymagambetov is 07:43 pm. Isha consists of 17 Rakats including 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafal, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafal.
What is Tahajjud Time in Aymagambetov?
Tahajjud Time in Aymagambetov is start at 08:13 pm and ends at 07:10 am.
Fajr Time Starts in Aymagambetov Today?
Fajr Time Starts at the dawn time 07:40 am in Aymagambetov Today.
Fajr Time Ends in Aymagambetov Today?
Fajr Time remains until the sun rises at 09:37 am in Aymagambetov Today.
Ishraq Time Starts in Aymagambetov Today?
Ishraq Namaz Timing Starts at 09:57 am in Aymagambetov Today.
Ishraq Time Ends in Aymagambetov Today?
Ishraq Namaz Time Ends at 12:37 pm in Aymagambetov Today.
Zawal Time Starts in Aymagambetov Today?
Zawal Time Starts at 01:15 pm in Aymagambetov Today.
Zawal Time Ends in Aymagambetov Today?
Zawal Time Ends at 01:45 pm in Aymagambetov Today.
Zuhr Time Starts in Aymagambetov Today?
Zuhr Time Starts after zawal time ends at 01:45 pm in Aymagambetov Today.
Zuhr Time Ends in Aymagambetov Today?
Zuhr Time Ends before asr time at 03:30 pm in Aymagambetov Today.
Asr Time Starts in Aymagambetov Today?
Asr Time Starts in Aymagambetov at 03:30 pm.
Asr Time Ends in Aymagambetov Today?
Asr Time Ends before Maghrib time at 05:52 pm in Aymagambetov Today.
Maghrib Time Starts in Aymagambetov Today?
Maghrib Time Starts when the Sun disappears at 05:52 pm in Aymagambetov Today.
Maghrib Time Ends in Aymagambetov Today?
Maghrib Time Ends till the Dusk (evening twilight) gets darkened in Aymagambetov at 07:43 pm.
Isha Time Starts in Aymagambetov Today?
Isha Time Starts in Aymagambetov at 07:43 pm.
Isha Time Ends in Aymagambetov Today?
Isha Time Ends in Aymagambetov at 07:40 am.
Tahajjud Time Starts in Aymagambetov Today?
Tahajjud Time Starts in Aymagambetov at 08:13 pm.
Tahajjud Time Ends in Aymagambetov Today?
Tahajjud Time Ends in Aymagambetov at 07:10 am.