Tesland Group Manufacturer & Exporters

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Name Tesland Group Manufacturer & Exporters
City Sialkot
Type Leather And Tanneries
Email [email protected]
Phone # +923367392358
Mobile # +923367392358
Fax # +923367392358
Contact Person Ali Munir
Address Neka Pura Koocha Sheikhaan Sialkot
Description TESLAND GROUP COMPANY has been working since 2007 as a manufacturing unit of Sports Goods, Sports Wear, Leather Garments, Hosiery Products, Fitness Products and accessories,It Started with a goal produce high quality products & today its renowned for quality leather garments, sports goods,sports wear & its accessories manufacturer in Sialkot We produce vide range products & Accessories. Our products are made by using special high qualitymaterials for which we import different material from different material manufacturers around the world. The TESLAND GROUP company manufacturing unit is located in Sialkot Pakistan, which is fully mechanized and modern Products and Products manufacturing unit well-qualified management and administrative offices. Our products are constructed from the experienced craftsman, which is the major key for producing high quality products. We are regularly updating our employees and training up new skill, accusation of new technology and regularly revolution of its quality assurance system. We are always available to design a product of your need or modify one of our current. Samples can be produced and delivered with a week once we the artwork and instructions are received. Highly skilled staff and latest electronically/digital machinery is working round the clock for our customers. We hope to serve company as prestigious as yours and enter a sincere long-term relationship with you. Please try us; we assure you that you will appreciate our products and services. Best Regards Chief Executive Officer

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