Ab Village Surgical And Sports Manufacturer

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Name Ab Village Surgical And Sports Manufacturer
City Sialkot
Type Sports & Games
Email [email protected]
Phone # +923000672960
Mobile # +923000672960
Contact Person M.Ahtsham
Address Bhanewali Rd, Perochak, Sialkot, Pakistan
Description AB Village is in Shoes, Surgical & Dental Instruments, T-Shirts, Sports Goods manufacturing since 2003 and exported to more than 34 countries including Europe, America, Canada, Australia, Africa and Middle East, and also including Major Brands. Now we have offered our new customers and existing customers that they can place order in of any kind of shoes like pure leather to synthetic leather or in any fabric, we can give you designs or you can choose from anywhere. We made shoes 100% handmade. We also introduce ourselves as Manufacturers & Exporters of Gloves & Garments Including Boxing & Martial Arts Equipment, Boxing Clothing, Martial Arts Uniforms, Sports Uniforms, Sports Gloves, Motorbike Gloves, Motorbike Garments,Fancy Gloves, Safety Gloves, Safety Coveralls, Rain Suits, Rain Jackets, Textile Clothing, Leather Clothing, Jeans Clothing, Jackets, Shirts, T-Shirts, Sweat Shirts, Hoodies, Tracksuits, Trousers, Bras, Shorts etc. Exporter & Distributor for all types of Clothing Plus Gloves. We are desirous to promote our Products into your country through your esteemed organization. If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact with us. Please allow us to briefly introduce ourselves. AB Village was established in 2003, and has been specializing in manufacture of Shoes, Sports Goods,Leather Goods, Surgical Instruments, Gloves & Garments etc. Here are some basic information about our company: We have about 100 workers, which are highly Professionals. As to smallest volume order, we welcome buyers with different order size at the moment, and thus have no strict limit on MOQ (minimum order quantity) . We hope to hear from you soon. Please let us know if you have any questions. It’s our sincere wish that we can know each other better,and work together in the near future. Awaiting a pleasure to read you. With Best Regards, Sincerely, AB Village Sales & Marketing Team (Exporter) Office.Ph.No: +923000672960 WhatsApp: +923000672960 Skype: abvillage FB Shop: https://www.facebook.com/abvillage/shop Website: www.abvillage.com Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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