Soherwardi Engineering
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Name | Soherwardi Engineering |
City | Rawalpindi |
Type | Agriculture | | |
Phone # | 0515537228 |
Mobile # | +9233335302578 |
Contact Person | Mohammad Soherwardi |
Address | D-10 Taj Mahall Market Jinnah Road Rawalpindi Pakistan |
Description | SOHERWARDI ENGINEERING, Established since 2006, situated in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, providing you best services in the field of Pumps, Motors, Valve, Power Generation & Solar Energy. Manufacturer, Importers, Exporter representative of Pumps for various applications, such as Industrial, Irrigation, Agriculture, Sprinkling, Fire-fighting, Water, Waste Water, Drainage, and much more, foot mounted motors, electric motor, VHS motors, submersible motors, submersible motors & Electric generating sets, Hydro power, Thermal Power, Wind power, Solar Energy Power for Industrial / Institutional / domestic / Telecommunication and commercial usage. |
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