Au Gold
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Name | Au Gold |
City | Multan |
Type | Metals, Minerals & Mining | | |
Phone # | +233553013471 |
Mobile # | +233553013472 |
Contact Person | Mike |
Address | No 108 Kwabenya Road ACCRA GHANA |
Description | Dear Sir/madam We are group of Gold/ diamond Miners in republic of Ghana, We have gold dust & gold bar for sale, we are looking for buyers, we need an organization or individual that can help us sell our gold then invest with us,then we shall go into partnership with them as to develop our mining concession, We will be pleased to go into partnership with you.If Only You Can Understand Our Primary Problems. We Are Facing a lots of Problems in Our Mining concessions, Because we Lack Modern Mining Equipment And Machines. We have in stock 150kg gold dust. Purity :--------------------------- 96.5%. Carats:----------------------- --- 22 carats Plus. Origin:----------------------- ---- Ghana. Please Note : In the event that you do not buy gold, be kind enough to forward our contact email to a Gold Buyer. As our Agent we are ready to give 10% commission of the total purchase if you can connect us to a gold buyer. I am expecting your reply soonest, Best regards, Mr.Mike |
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