Multiways Freight Services
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Name | Multiways Freight Services |
City | Lahore |
Type | Transport & Logistics | | |
Phone # | +92 333 8422490 |
Mobile # | +92 333 8422490 |
Fax # | 0 |
Contact Person | Mr. Zaryaab Chaudhry |
Address | Office No. 1-B, Manzoor Plaza, Civic Centre, Model Town Extension, Lahore Pakistan |
Description | Multiways Freight Services established in the year 2007 with the aim to provide prompt, efficient and reliable services in the field of freight forwarding and total logistics solutions. MFS is acutely aware of the need to offer a total transportation packages to exporters, importers and domestic customers for their logistics needs . Consequently all aspects of freight forwarding including custom clearance, storage and distribution are catered for. Our reputation has been enhanced by long standing associations with leading airlines and shipping companies. Within this short period it has been able to carve a niche of its own in the logistics field as an internationally recognized freight forwarding company. |
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