Crown Industries
Check Business Detail of Crown Industries with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Crown Industries. You can find business terms and products of Crown Industries including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Home Supplies business types like Crown Industries in Karachi.
Name | Crown Industries |
City | Karachi |
Type | Home Supplies | | |
Phone # | 021-5082118 |
Fax # | 021-5082119 |
Contact Person | Arshad Arif |
Address | Plot #2, Sector A/3, Karachi Export Processing Zone, Landhi, Karachi 75150, Sindh, Pakistan |
Description | Manufacturers and exporters of Cotton Canvas Bags, Tote Bags, Aprons, Textile Promotional Items, Uniforms and Work wear. Chef wear, Medical wear, Bar Aprons, Bib Aprons. Kitchen Textiles such as Table Cloth, Tea Towels etc. |
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