Sell Testing Equipment
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Name | Sell Testing Equipment |
City | Faisalabad |
Type | Industrial Machinery & Equipments |
Phone # | 92-512-655421 |
Address | non |
Description | Zonsky (Taiwan) inspection equipment .,LTD devote ourselves to research 、manufacture、sale inspection equipment for wire and cable 、safety instrument equipment、mechanical test equipment、environment test equipment ,flame tester 、laboratory instrument and equipment 、measuring& analyzer (in total more than 200 kinds of productions) in accordance with GB, IEC, UL, ISO, BSI, CSA, VDE, JIS, KS, SEV, KEMA, SSA, CCC and other related standards. These products are widely used in the field of wires and cables, plugs and sockets, switches, rubbers and plastics and other materials If you are interested in our production ,please contact Mr. Dai Email : cooliedmx@ Msn : |
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