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Urdu to English Dictionary – Perfect Meanings, Synonyms & Pronunciations

The Urdu to English Dictionary will undeniably help you get stronger command over Pakistan’s national language Urdu as well as the international language English, in a considerably short period of time.

As a person living in Pakistan, chances are that you do know how to speak English. And local Pakistanis tend to focus more on learning how to speak English in a better way. For this, they need a reliable source from where they can learn the Urdu to English Translation free of cost.

So, there is no more a barrier now, as the problem is resolved by Darsaal:

Enter Urdu words using the Urdu keyboard made available at Darsaal and get results in the blink of an eye. The results include the perfect and the most appropriate meanings, translations, pronunciations, definitions, and thesaurus as well.

For any individual who has a passion for Urdu poetry and desires to obtain a deeper understanding, the use of the Online Urdu to English Dictionary will be of a massive help, as it contains more than 90,000 satisfactory translations with meanings.

So, the poetry lovers can translate the difficult Urdu words into simple English to have a better understanding.

Urdu speakers can further improve their vocabulary with synonyms and antonyms that are available in the thesaurus which is present in the Urdu to English Dictionary.

Moreover, Darsaal’s English to Urdu Dictionary will guide the people how to translate English words into Urdu with the help of word meanings, translations and definitions.

For any odd reason, if the results fail to show up, make sure to send us your precious feedback to help us maintain and improve the quality standards of Darsaal.

The All-in-One Dictionary:

In case all these amazing features are not enough, Darsaal also includes a “Word of the Day” tab which is updated daily to spark your creativity with unique and mostly rare words, through which you can turn your standard conversation into a really attention grabbing one.

A common problem faced by the people is that if they learn how to speak English, they cannot really learn how to speak with the same accent.

The dictionary generates a voice which pronounces the word at the touch of a button, allowing you the comfort to hear the accent. This feature is available in Urdu to English Dictionary for PC as well as the Urdu to English Dictionary app by Darsaal.

An Official App:

Darsaal believes that there is always a room for improvement. So it has taken the initiative to spread this facility to a wider audience and make it even better. So install Darsaal Mobile Dictionary App” from the play store/app store for an optimum experience.

From basic to advanced English, learn it all from Darsaal’s Urdu to English Dictionary. Use this authentic dictionary to help resolve the language issues. It is a multi purpose dictionary filled with countless authentic meanings, definitions, pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms and numerous other features.